520 W. 8th Ave., Cheyenne WY 82001
Map | 307-637-6428 | E-Mail Forestry Division

Emerald Ash Borer Management   

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has not been detected in Cheyenne yet, however it has been found as close as Longmont, CO and recently has also been identified in Nebraska and South Dakota. With three adjoining states now confirming EAB populations, it is critical that planning begin for EAB's arrival in Cheyenne. The Cheyenne Urban Forestry Division recently completed an EAB plan for Cheyenne and has begun implementing several of its initiatives, including removing and replacing ash in poor health and providing outreach to the public and the green industry. The plan can be found here.

Presentations from the EAB Public Meeting

Introduction to Emerald Ash Borer - Ryan DeSantis
Emerald Ash Borer in Boulder - Micaela Truslove
Planning for EAB in Cheyenne - Mark Ellison

Printable Information

EAB Homeowner Insecticide
Cheyenne's EAB Plan
Emerald Ash Borer Quick Guide
EAB Homeowner Decision Guide


Local Newspaper Articles

"Speakers Hold Discussion on How to Battle Emerald Ash Borer"
"City to Hold Informational Meeting on Tree-Killing Beetle"
"What Could a Little Bug do to a Big Tree? Kill it."